McLaren Bay Region
Client | McLaren Bay Region
Bay City, Michigan
Completion Date | 2013
Space | 91,484 s.f.
An ongoing relationship with McLaren Bay Region, formerly known as Bay Regional Medical Center, has produced a variety of renovation and upgrade projects to their existing facility. The firm worked with the medical center in the design and occupancy of a new Cardiac Suite.
Other projects include renovation of CT, MRI, and catherization departments, operating room upgrades, Medical Mall 1 - a Pediatric and Physical Therapy unit renovation, and the physicians’ lounge/library project. A major
window replacement project and numerous evaluations and studies have been completed to improve McLaren’s facilities.
The Hybrid Operating Room allows for integration of advanced intervention techniques in a cardiovascular operating room setting and has interdisciplinary usage. Combining the expertise of surgeons and interventionists in a Hybrid OR will improve
patient outcomes and patient safety.
Special green lighting is used, as studies have shown that it allows the human eye to better distinguish fine lines and smaller objects, an advantage when performing surgery.

CAM Magazine Special Issue - Project of the Year