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WTA has extensive knowledge and experience with historical preservation and restoration work. We have expertise in forensic investigation of structures, development of documents, and the proper procedures and techniques for restoration/rehabilitation. We have assisted clients throughout the state in successfully revitalizing their buildings.
WTA Architects offers a breadth of experience in designing religious architecture that balances tradition and modernity to create meaningful spaces of worship and reflection. From renovations to new construction to the restoration of historic buildings, we offer a suite of expertise for any religious project.
WTA Architects are leaders when it comes to sustainable design as the area of green architecture grows. We value sustainable innovation and practice. More than half of the staff architects at WTA are LEED accredited by the U.S. Green Building Council. We have expertise in green technologies and strategies to design a greener more sustainable future whether that's through the renovation of existing LEED Certified architecture or the design and execution of new sustainable buildings.