Delta College - K Wing Renovation

WTA is honored to announce that we have once again been chosen by Delta College to complete the renovation of the K-Wing. Originally built and used as a business administration wing, the K-Wing is currently fully occupied and divided into computer lab space along with lecture/classroom space. Paul Haselhuhn and Scott Csutora will lead the project. The project will include a complete renovation of the K-Wing, which is home to the Office Administration Technology division along with the Computer Science Technology division. WTA has been fortunate to have worked with Delta College on many projects throughout the years, including a comprehensive renovation of the F-Wing along with designing the future Delta College campus in downtown Saginaw, slated to be completed in 2019. The new K-Wing will be sustainably designed and receive LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) Certification. The renovation is set to be completed for the 2019 spring or summer semester.